Powering Corona promotions worldwide
Free Range Humans
“Follow your true passion for nature. Become the next Free Range Human.’ Such a simple premise deserved a simple application process, and so consumers simply scanned a QR code on their promotional packs of Corona Extra, filled in an entry form and then answered the question ‘How would you spend your time as a Free Range Human?’
What the client needed
The combination of using the winner’s own imagery and content about their travels around the world to generate publicity, together with our winning formula for a smooth-running promotion, means it is ripe for other markets to replicate successfully.
How we powered their promotion
Our legal team were instrumental in ensuring that the promotion was legally sound and could be run without any problems, carefully drafting a master set of Terms & Conditions that comply with promotional regulations and keep the campaign free from risk. Meanwhile our Operations team presided over moderating and judging all the entries, ensuring that the independent winner selection was administered fairly and then handling the prize fulfilment seamlessly so winners would never be disappointed, and Corona’s reputation would remain intact.
A panel made up of the Corona local and Global team, and PromoVeritas judges then gathered to select the winning entry based on their unique perspective, their Free Range attitude, and their passion. Our winner management team then administered the lucky winner’s prompt monthly “salary’ payments and flight bookings, allowing them to immediately begin living their best life without a care in the world.
entries year one
site visits
visits from QR code
‘We had a great opportunity to bring our Free Range Humans campaign into the hands and homes of UK consumers and to do this, it was vital that we found a partner who deeply understood the purpose and practicalities of the competition. From the offset, Promoveritas have been a pleasure to work with, ensuring everything ran smoothly and was underpinned by solid compliance. From legal to judging, the whole team were super helpful every step of the way.’